Brocedurally Generated is a high-fidelity prototype of a comic that's "digital" in three ways:
- Story: It's a slice-of-life comic about millenial techies in San Francisco.
- Layout: Based on binary numeral system nearly all computers use to store information, each tier's panel layout reflects a different binary number. Filled panels represent 1s, empty panels represent 0s.
- Construction: Panels are procedurally generated by an algorithm that picks an illustration based on the previous panel and pairs it with text. The story could be terribly boring or terribly engaging, depending on the combinations you get.
This comic is a work of fiction. Names, characters, and phrases are products of the creator's imagination (and the imaginations of the creator's friends, who graciously contributed some made-up phrases to this work) and are used ficticiously. Any resemblance to actual events or people is entirely coincidental.